Story Magic
Hey fiction writer! Want your readers to stay up until 2am, so engrossed in your story they just can’t put it down? Want to build a successful, fulfilling, and sustainable writing life that works for YOU? Story Magic is the place for you. Every week, professional book coaches and editors Emily and Rachel from Golden May dive into writing craft, community, and mindset tips, tricks, and advice so you can write and publish books you’re damn proud of, again and again. We cover craft topics like story structure, character development, worldbuilding and ‘show, don’t tell’; we dive into how to grow your writing community of readers and writing partners; and we’ll talk about all those mindset challenges from imposter syndrome and perfectionism to fear of the blank page. Story Magic has all the tools you need to become the author you’re meant to be. You’ve got this, let’s go!
91 - Getting back to your story after a break

90 - Who is the internal narrator?

89 - This is not marketing advice

88 - We are a blip in the universe

87 - Can ambition be anti-hustle?

86 - Perfectionism and hustle culture

85 - Art when the world is falling apart

84 - 4 Pillars to Author Success with Emma Dhesi

83 - How and when to apply the story point

82 - Overthinking vs. thinking something through

81 - Character want vs need

80 - The risk of plagiarism in the writing community

79 - Lower your expectations with Rachael Herron

78 - How to start querying with Abigail K. Perry

77 - Plot + character in the crime/thriller genre with Marybeth Whalen

76 - Negative arcs

75 - Book marketing with Erica Birtles

74 - Reviews and your ideal reader

73 - Beta reading

72 - Sweet and clean romance with Victorine Lieske

71 - Publishing's changing landscape with Nicole Meier

70 - Character arcs across a series with Jennifer Armentrout

69 - Dog Training with Eric Goebelbecker